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- Bss (Seventeen) BSS 2nd Single Album 'TELEPARTY' (GA Ver.)
- Rose City Sol Y Sombra [Clear Vinyl] [Indie Exclusive] [Download Included]
- John Zorn Complete String Quartets
- Swervedriver Doremi Faso Latido
- Sam Amidon Salt River (Can)
This Week's New Releases
Music Releases 01-31-25
THE WORLD OF HANS ZIMMER - PART II: A NEW DIMENSION is the highly anticipated sequel to the acclaimed 2019 album The World of Hans Zimmer - A Symphonic Celebration. Melding the grandeur of symphonic music with the dynamic power of his cinematic compositions, Zimmer transforms 17 more of his most successful soundtracks into new epic orchestral suites on this double album. Highlights of the over 2 hours long record include a short, captivating "cello-concerto-like" version of Final Ascent from No Time to Die, a tranquil rendition of A Time of Quiet Between the Storms from Dune II, and a new romantic suite from The Prince of Egypt. Additionally, Zimmer revisits one of his classic 90s soundtracks with a newly crafted suite of The Rock.
THE WORLD OF HANS ZIMMER - PART II: A NEW DIMENSION features Zimmer accompanied by a stellar ensemble of soloists and collaborators, including singers Lebo M, Lisa Gerrard, Gan-ya Ben-gur Akselrod, and Nokukhanya Dlamini; multi-woodwind wizard Pedro Eustache; bass player Juan GarcÃa-Herreros; guitarist Alexios Anest; pianist Eliane Correa; cellist Mariko Muranaka; violinist Rusanda Panfili; and percussionists Aleksandra cuklar, Luis Ribeiro, and Lucy Landymore. Together, they perform alongside the Odessa Orchestra & Friends and the Nairobi Chamber Choir, under the baton of conductor Gavin Greenaway.
- 3 x 180g black vinyl, Gatefold, poly lined inner sleeve