1. Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight/The End/Here Comes the Sun/Come Toget
2. Something
3. Because/You Never Give Me Your Money
4. Sun King/Mean Mr. Mustard/Polythene Pam/She Came in Through the Bathroo
More Info:
1970 Booker T. & the MG's album that covers the Beatles classic Abbey Road, McLemore Avenue is the street the legendary Stax Studios were located on. Tracks: 1 - Medley: Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight/The End/Here Comes the Sun/Come Together, 2 - Something, 3 - Medley: Because/You Never Give Me Your Money, 4 - Medley: Sun King/Mean Mr. Mustard/Polythene Pam/She Came in Through the Bathroom Window/I Want You (She's So Heavy).