Based on a Terence Rattigan play, The Winslow Boy asks if the punishment meets the crime. Set in England, pre-WWI, the story revolves around Ronnie Winslow, a 13-year old cadet at the Osborne Naval College. When Ronnie steals an item worth a handful of change, he is expelled. His parents, furious with the expulsion, set out to prove Ronnie's innocence, at any cost, ultimately demanding the issue go to trial.
Based on a Terence Rattigan play, The Winslow Boy asks if the punishment meets the crime. Set in England, pre-WWI, the story revolves around Ronnie Winslow, a 13-year old cadet at the Osborne Naval College. When Ronnie steals an item worth a handful of change, he is expelled. His parents, furious with the expulsion, set out to prove Ronnie's innocence, at any cost, ultimately demanding the issue go to trial.
Based on a Terence Rattigan play, The Winslow Boy asks if the punishment meets the crime. Set in England, pre-WWI, the story revolves around Ronnie Winslow, a 13-year old cadet at the Osborne Naval College. When Ronnie steals an item worth a handful of change, he is expelled. His parents, furious with the expulsion, set out to prove Ronnie's innocence, at any cost, ultimately demanding the issue go to trial.