The Throwback follows the hilarious journey of Kate (Justina Machado, Six Feet Under) and Matt Morgan (Will Sasso, MadTV), a middle-aged couple stuck in the routine of raising their kids. Their lives take a wild turn when Kate experiences a post-traumatic breakdown, regressing to her college-aged self after a bank robbery, erasing 26 years of memories. While Matt steps up to manage home and school duties, Kate grapples with her newfound youth. As Kate rediscovers her party-girl self, Matt undergoes his own transformation with the help of his wise-cracking pal Charles (Bobby Lee, Pineapple Express), realizing his mistakes and striving to be a better husband and father. The Throwback is an uproarious tale of second chances that proves it's never too late for change.
The Throwback follows the hilarious journey of Kate (Justina Machado, Six Feet Under) and Matt Morgan (Will Sasso, MadTV), a middle-aged couple stuck in the routine of raising their kids. Their lives take a wild turn when Kate experiences a post-traumatic breakdown, regressing to her college-aged self after a bank robbery, erasing 26 years of memories. While Matt steps up to manage home and school duties, Kate grapples with her newfound youth. As Kate rediscovers her party-girl self, Matt undergoes his own transformation with the help of his wise-cracking pal Charles (Bobby Lee, Pineapple Express), realizing his mistakes and striving to be a better husband and father. The Throwback is an uproarious tale of second chances that proves it's never too late for change.
The Throwback follows the hilarious journey of Kate (Justina Machado, Six Feet Under) and Matt Morgan (Will Sasso, MadTV), a middle-aged couple stuck in the routine of raising their kids. Their lives take a wild turn when Kate experiences a post-traumatic breakdown, regressing to her college-aged self after a bank robbery, erasing 26 years of memories. While Matt steps up to manage home and school duties, Kate grapples with her newfound youth. As Kate rediscovers her party-girl self, Matt undergoes his own transformation with the help of his wise-cracking pal Charles (Bobby Lee, Pineapple Express), realizing his mistakes and striving to be a better husband and father. The Throwback is an uproarious tale of second chances that proves it's never too late for change.