Tensions run high in a small village in Kosovo, during the war with Serbia. The local doctor finds himself at the center of controversy when he is accused of being a traitor for providing medical care to a Serbian family residing in the village. As accusations fly, the doctor's unwavering commitment to his Hippocratic oath and his belief in humanity are put to the ultimate test, sparking a poignant tale of compassion, loyalty, and the enduring power of human connection in the face of adversity.
Tensions run high in a small village in Kosovo, during the war with Serbia. The local doctor finds himself at the center of controversy when he is accused of being a traitor for providing medical care to a Serbian family residing in the village. As accusations fly, the doctor's unwavering commitment to his Hippocratic oath and his belief in humanity are put to the ultimate test, sparking a poignant tale of compassion, loyalty, and the enduring power of human connection in the face of adversity.
Tensions run high in a small village in Kosovo, during the war with Serbia. The local doctor finds himself at the center of controversy when he is accused of being a traitor for providing medical care to a Serbian family residing in the village. As accusations fly, the doctor's unwavering commitment to his Hippocratic oath and his belief in humanity are put to the ultimate test, sparking a poignant tale of compassion, loyalty, and the enduring power of human connection in the face of adversity.